La Descarga - Cangas del Narcea

By Cristiano, 16 June, 2022

Cangas del Narcea is a municipality in the province of Asturias, Spain. On every 16th July, there is a huge celebration using rockets. "Nuestra SeƱora del Carmen" (the patroness of sailors) is the name of the popular Saint for which the devotees make the feast.

The most wanted moment of the celebration is what local people call "La Descarga", that means "the discharge" that is literally a huge discharge of rockets. The rockets are mounted in long lines and usually are fired around 8:00pm when the Saint is passing through the city. Not only these rockets are lauched, but also a lot more hand fired by the the local people.

This is the poster for this year:

This is a video that tells much better than me how great is the show:


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