One of my hobbies is electronics, preferably with vacuum tubes, so I decided to build a battery powered tube amplifier. There is not a lot of information about guitar tube battery powered amps on internet, but I found some resources. My search began on YouTube and I found a video of a guy that wrote the schematic link in his video description here. I just followed it, mounted the components of the amp (all point-to-point wired) inside a large tin can and used a small 6 inch speaker connected to it.
The amp is powered by 10 x 9v batteries ( for tube plate (anode) 90v ), one 1.5v battery ( for tube filaments ) and 3 x 1.5v batteries in series, providing 4.5v of negative bias.
The tubes used, are one 1Q5GT and two 1T4, early used in battery powered radio receivers.
It has just two controls - volume and tone.
Below is the schematic:
And below, the power supply schematic (using batteries):
One of my plans now is to make a custom power supply without using batteries, there are some schematics on the internet if you search for "battery eliminator circuit for old tube radio", like this one:
This is the final result:
I made a simple video using it as output of my notebook, but I use it also with my guitar.