Fireworks4peace event - May 8th 2022

By Cristiano, 30 April, 2022

As we all know, the world lives a war in Ukraine. Many lives lost and places completely destroyed. People need help for basic necessities.

Maybe in the past, part of the fireworks came from war applications, but now we are using Fireworks to help people in the war and call for peace!

Fortunatelly, there are yet good people in our world and this is also the case in the Fireworks industry, so, currently there is an event called fireworks4peace organized by many Pyrotechnics Associations to promote a worldwide show on May 8h. Many fireworks factories and artists will contribute making their own shows. The action is not only a symbolic thing but they are also collecting contributions to people afected by the war through UNICEF.

Please visit their website on and look at the event schedule - if you're a spectator maybe there is a show in your city and if you're a Fireworks organization, maybe you can also contribute with your show.


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