
By Cristiano, 24 August, 2021

As you already have may notice, Spain is a very rich country in the fireworks culture.

This time, I will present you a Spanish tradition named "Correfocs", in English "Fire run". A Correfoc is an event where people dress like devils ( "Diables" ) and carry pitchforks with fireworks like gerbs attached to the top usually named "Carretilla" or "Carrutxa". Some of these fireworks rotate like Girandolas and have a whistling sound! During the festivals, these people run and dance around and inside crowds of spectators that must wear protective clothes to prevent accidental burns.

According to some sources, the Carrefocs emerged in 1978 during the La Mercè festival, in Barcelona.

The most famous places for these festivals are the cities of Barcelona, Tarragona, Girona and Catalonia.


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