Cai Guo-Qiang

By Cristiano, 25 October, 2020

Today I'm gonna talk about the Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang. He makes amazing drawings using Gunpowder burns and/or small explosions. He also makes amazing fireworks and explosive events, mainly using colored smoke artifacts.

Image from Cai's Instagram:

One of Cai's most famous projects is the "Sky Ladder" a ladder 1,650 feet tall raised by a hot air balloon to reach the skyes and ignited from bottom to top, creating an impressive visual effect. This project was dedicated to his 100 year old grandmother.

There is a movie/documentary on Netflix about the Sky Ladder project and the life of Cai Guo-Qiang:

Please watch this amazing video of the Sky Ladder


Visit also Cai's official website for more information on his projects here.


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